Reviews & Testimonials
Here's what my students say
about working with me:
Aaron is always directing us to a larger, metaphysical perspective—always back to unity consciousness and love.
-Danielle LaPorte
Author, Creator of Heart-Centered Membership
I just wanted to first share that I feel, for the first time in my life, that I am really finding my way home. This community already feels so amazing and I am grateful beyond belief to be here.
-Cameron Martin
Thank you so much for the amazing Q&A experience and for everyone’s questions. The first week of this course feels like I am not just learning in a linear way but it feels like a very multidimensional experiential way of learning. After waking up this morning it feels like all my previous experiences over the past 13 years now make more and more sense and like a puzzle are coming together to show a most beautiful image. 💞💜😃 Even feelings of lack or victimisation are being met with loving gratitude, acceptance and appreciation. Sending everyone so much love and gratitude for all that they are sharing and for being on this journey with me. 😍